Practical Dreaming: You have permission to dream.
Mother Nature grants you permission to dream and create any dream that you can imagine.
Patterns: Observation 01. People move in unique ways. 1973. People Dances
The lesson here emphasizes the importance of non-verbal communication and perception. It suggests that everyone has unique patterns and behaviors that can be identified and understood without words, underscoring the richness and variety of human expression.
Motions: Observation 02. Everything moves in predictable ways. 1973. Shadow Dances
The most important lesson from this story is that careful observation and curiosity about the world around us can lead to a deeper understanding and appreciation of natural phenomena.
Sounds: Observation 03. A mysterious letter called elemenopee. 1974. Letter Dances
The most important lesson from this story is the significance of careful observation, perseverance, and self-discovery in learning, and how misunderstandings can occur due to how information is presented or communicated.
Colors: Observation 04. Friction is always red. 1975. Word Dances
The story imparts the lesson that friction, whether physical or emotional, leads to tension or 'heat,' symbolized by the color red.
Momentum: Observation 05. Predicting the future. 1976. Predicting
Predicting the future, whether with a ball or with ideas, is about understanding patterns, intuition, and working backward from a clear vision of a desired outcome.
Measurement: Observation 06. Mapping information to models. 1976. Calibrating
The story underscores the significance of cultivating a keen sense of observation and measurement in understanding the world and its fundamental concepts, such as energy transfer.
Vibrations: Observation 07. Mapping sounds to models. 1977. Categories
Paying close attention to sensory details can foster a deep understanding and appreciation of the world around us.
Experiments: Observation 08. Light, color, vibration, time, and motion. 1977. Testing
The most important lesson from this story is that hands-on experimentation and observation from a young age can lead to a deep, intuitive understanding of complex physical concepts like light, color, and motion.
Relationships: Observation 09. Geometry within systems. 1978
The key lesson from this story is the discovery that energy, information, and geometry are interconnected, as demonstrated by the changing groove density on a record affecting sound quality without altering pitch, despite varying speeds.
Systems: Observation 10. Marbles and ramps. 1979
The most important lesson from this story is that simple, hands-on experiments in childhood can lead to a deep, intuitive understanding of complex concepts like energy transfer and business mechanics.
Energy: Observation 11. Marbles, ramps, and dominoes. 1980
The most important lesson from this story is that understanding the principles of momentum and energy transfer in simple physical experiments can provide insights into managing and maximizing the impact of resources in real-world applications like business.