Energy from atoms inside the sun is converted into sugar, life, cognition, and consciousness. Money is in the middle of this invisible game.

The ancient billionaires stored energy in stacked rocks. Stored energy increases power. After money was invented, they organized the workers to stack dollar bills in their bank accounts by creating value.

After money was invented, there were no more pyramids built. This is because it is more efficient to stack gold than rocks.

Religions that are designed around natural cycles last longer than other designs.

It’s smart to design religions around the lunar cycle because the human reproductive cycle matches this pattern.

After money was invented, it became advantageous to base religions on being good and getting along.

Stacked rocks are energy banks that create power. The energy is stored in the stacked rocks. This is the same things as storing energy in a pile of gold or a pile of dollar bills.

The calories from the sun built the Temple of the Sun.

The sun is still sending calories to Earth. Everything is powered by the sun. Humans introduced the concept of money to make the conversion from sunlight to life more efficient. Living things are always optimizing energy transfer because banking energy is better than wasting energy.