Mark Rubin Mark Rubin


My mind is full of models. One of my models is part of a framework I use to create the future I imagine. This is the Dome of Dreams. It is the structure of the strategy architecture. I use this to organize cross-functionally connected plans.

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Mark Rubin Mark Rubin

Tactic 001. Proof. September 24, 1985

When I was a kid, I decided I’d do something good with my model of energy transfer when I was ready. I knew no one would ever believe that I planned an eco-project when I was fifteen. I bought some land in West Virginia in 1985 to get my name on a deed. This is proof that I planned ahead.

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Mark Rubin Mark Rubin

Tactic 002. Life is Lucky. Launch sequence. October 2023

This is the launch sequence for Project Honeylight. I’m happy I lived long enough to feel safe enough to start the project. I built this structure on the land I bought in 1985 to have a place to launch a global eco-project. If you are reading this, I launched it!

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