
The strategy architecture for Project Honeylight is based on launching a series of cross-functionally related tactics to move people through an attention funnel. The structure of the relationships between the tactics is below.

Feb 20, 2024: I’ve been tinkering around with different tactics on to see if I could figure out different ways of connecting the different projects I’m working on to specific nodes (intersecting functions) of interest. I don’t know if I have enough followers to bridge the connections, but I’m ready to launch the project, so I’m going to try to get it going.

I think it is best to start on the the side of the system that creates money in exchange for value. This means selling a product or service that creates good vibes and a reward in exchange for someone else’s banked work. We store work in the form of money in different ways. It makes the most sense to create the system that create money to fuel the growth.

Strategy architecture.

The attention funnel is designed to attract specific people to each phase of the project.

Attention funnels.

I’m still getting this website organized for the launch of the Vision story in February 2024. Click here to go back to the Tactics page.

The tactics below have been designed but not all of them have been documented on their respective pages. I’ll get this done in Spring, 2024.



June, 2024 -The tactics below are either somewhere between the design phase and the ready phase. I’m listing them here so I can sync up the website with the plan. This will be updated in October 2024.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 16. Story 1. Cloudminer model. A real cloud mining rig! July 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 27. Story 1. NatureGames. Launch sequence. Lessons from Nature Podcast.September 2023.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 28. Story 1. Kid'sGames. Launch sequence. Book.October 2023.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 28. Story 1. BoardGames.Launch sequence. BeeBox board game.November 2023.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 28. Story 1. BusinessGames. Launch sequence. BeeBox business game.December 2023.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 30. Story 6. VisualizationGames. September 2023. Launch sequence. Cloudminer. December 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 30. Story 7. EnergyGames. September 2023. Launch sequence. Business Thermodynamics. December 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 40. Story 3. Solar powered sundial. March 2024. design completed

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 42. Story 2. Carbon negative for life. June 2023. Launch sequence. completed

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 43. Story 2. NFT Whale oil powered cars. see email to Dan Roam on Jan 25, 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 45. Story 2. Are you positive I'm not carbon negative?. Fact finders. Curiosity. November 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 47. Story 3. NFT Invisible Game NFT (atoms->consciousness). December 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 50. Story 4. Launch sequence. Here Comes The Sun. Lessons from Nature Podcast. May 2023. completed

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 60. Story 5. Banking Carbon. The Diamond Age. 2035

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 70. Story 5. Creating the future you imagine and being carbon negative. August 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 80. Story 5. Party Crasher. Holiday Swap. Trees. (UN International Day of Forests March 21,2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 85. Story 5 Tactic 85. Story 5. Party Crasher. Holiday Swap. Bee Guardian Day. Launch. May 20, 2023 (World Bee Day). completed

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 100. Story 5. Preemptive Cease and Desist. Inspiration. Friends of the Lorax or not? Twitter. September 2022. May 2022. Pulled due to bad vibes

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 120. Story 5. Salesforce launch. Cloudminer. Sept 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 140.Story 5. Nature Lovers. BeeBox. Empathy. Hope. (Law of Diffusion of Ideas). October 2023.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 150. Story 5. Iron Man Magnet - Photon Man. Your move Mr. Stark. (Law of Diffusion of Ideas). November 2024.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 160.Story 5. Photon Man - already more energy efficient than you, Mr. Stark. A game is afoot. Your move. Dec 2023 6. Plan. Tactic 170.Story 6. The Honeypot Tactic . Good Vibes. BeeBox. Local, independent honey producers, sell honey online at high margins to plant trees. June 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 180. Conspiracy to hijack a conspiracy. Immelmann maneuver . July 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 185. Story 6. Are you really positive I'm not carbon negative maneuver. Oct 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 190. Story 6. Nature Lovers. Take Action (A platform for helping). Funding BeeBox kits. Oct 2024

  • 6. Plan.. Tactic 200. Story 7. Apply for a job at Neuralink . Knowledge Visualization (a word-virus to reach Elon Musk). Jan 2024.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 205. Story 7. Good news is believable. Bad news us unbelievable. Can you believe how believable this is?. Feb 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 208. Story 1. A Carbon Negative Lord returns to Scotland to read Honey is Money. 2026

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 210. Story 8. The Queen's Gambit (Zendaya- the queen bee). Planetarium shows. 2026

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 220. Story 9. Learners. Curiosity. Lake Hike (QR code - increase $ per hour and play The Long Game). Signs on the lake trail. March 2024.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 230. Story 9. DC Metro. Feel good (Local contacts for Honeylight Glamping). 2026

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 240. Story 9. Global. Feel good (agents for change). Bee Guardians. 2026

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 245. Story 9. Long Game Players can play. Long Game Players. Build Long Game Framework in the metaverse in VR. Apple. 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 250. Story 9. Cloudminer. Mining wasted money in the future to plant trees today. Marc Benioff. Curiosity. Help him achieve the Davos initiative. November 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 260. Story 10. Learners. Business Visualization (Scaling - Bisualizer concept). BeeBox Business Software visualization engine. November 2023

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 270. Story 11. Engineers. Energy and Information Systems (Generalizing the concepts to all systems - not just business). February 2024

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 280. Story 10. Engineers. Bisualizer applied to another system (Visualizing the concept for all systems - not just business). June 2024.

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 290. Story 11. Mars Intercept Maneuver. Hand Elon Musk my Mars rock to bring back to Mars. 2025

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 300. Story 11. Physicists. A Universal Modeler (Visualize all matter in the universe since the beginning of time). 2026

  • 6. Plan. Tactic 310. Story 12. Dill pickle lovers. Fresh dill photons. 2026


Tactic 001. Proof. September 24, 1985