Mark Rubin Mark Rubin

Modeling the Secrets of the Bees

Honey bees gather in store energy in a way that is harmony with the rest of nature. It would be wise for humans to model the regenerative Secrets of the Bees.

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Mark Rubin Mark Rubin

Secrets 1-4: Physics

Secrets 1-4: Physics and Laws

All living things follow the laws of physics in the pursuit of energy. Astrophysicist Chris Sparrow and I discuss the fortunate circumstances that create the conditions for life on Earth, energy transfer, the conversions of energy in sunlight into life, and the energy cost of powering living things.

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physics, existence Mark Rubin physics, existence Mark Rubin

Secret 3. Honey is Life #physics #life

Secret 3. Honey is Life

“Sugar stores solar energy. This solidified sunlight powers cars, airplanes, your computer, the internet, everything you eat, and everyone who ever lived. Sunlight powers life. All living things are powered by sunlight - including you.”

-Mother Nature

Domain: Physics

Branch: Chemistry

Pattern: Organic chemistry (honey->life)

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Mark Rubin Mark Rubin

Secrets 5-8: Biology

Secrets 5-8: Biology and Adaptability

All living things must adapt to changing conditions. Biologist Hannah Mather and I discuss how honey bees and businesses gather honey and money efficiently by adapting to variability of energy, competition, seasonal forces, and work optimization.

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Mark Rubin Mark Rubin

Secrets 9-12: Psychology #collaboration

Secrets 9-12: Psychology and Collaboration

Biological organisms that work together to gather energy follow principles of psychology. Olympic Coach Ram Nayyar and I discuss how bees and people display teamwork, plans, specialization, and communication in a way that increases the chances for winning the game of survival.

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psychology, sustainability Mark Rubin psychology, sustainability Mark Rubin

Secret 10. There’s Always a Queen #psychology #plan

Secret 10: There is Always a Queen

"Since resources in a habitat are variable, the rate at which energy can be gathered and stored depends on the number of workers available, storage capacity, and teamwork. A plan maximizes effectiveness and efficiency."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Psychology

Branch: Cognitive Psychology

Pattern: Plan (perception, attention, memory, problem-solving)

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Mark Rubin Mark Rubin

Secrets 13-16: Economics

Secrets 13-16: Economics and Preparation

All collaborative species follow the principles of economics to increase their chances of survival. Economist David Dorr and I discuss the importance of planning, storing honey and money, trading banked energy for time, and maximizing the rate of energy collection by developing forecasting models to ensure that the optimal number of workers are available to match energy supply with the capacity to gather and store it.

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