Secrets 5-8: Biology

Domain: Biology

All living things must adapt to changing conditions.

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The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

Domain summary: Biology

Biological adaptability is influenced by variables in the local habitat. The variables include temperature, humidity, weather, competition, seasonality, and the ability to work efficiently. The ability to react to changing conditions over a single lifetime improves the chances of individual survival. The ability to adapt over multiple generations improves the chances of genetic success in the long term.

Domain two (out of six): Biology. Secrets 5-8

Co-Host. Hannah Mather studied biology and is currently protecting pollinators, writing, taking pictures of wildlife, and creating inspiring educational videos on Instagram. Secrets five through eight are based on adaptability to variable conditions. They cover variability, competition, seasonality, and work.

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