Money Transfer Systems: Money is the Energy that powers the Human World

I’ve been visualizing and designing business systems since 1985. This ability has allowed me to develop frameworks for gathering the most amount of money in the shortest period of time, with the least amount of work, and with least amount of damage to my habitat.

I visualized my first business in a scale model in1985.

I designed my first organization in 2002 The characteristics were: Simple, Services, Mobile, Low skills, and Quirky.

I created software to create dynamics visualizations of business systems in 2016. It connects to Salesforce and visualizes the entire sales funnel. This is the potential money. I plan to connect it to Quickbooks to visualize the kinetic money by 2027.

I designed software to create dynamic visualizations of business systems in 2008

Business Optimization Tools: Increasing Income-Velocity ($ per hour) in the Human World

I created software to optimize the rate of energy collection and storage in my habitat. This has allowed me to create the world I imagine. When I was ten, I decided to share my models when I was ready to “do something good” for nature. I sharing my regenerative business models through Project Honeylight.

I built software to optimize the sales funnel in a business by “mining money evaporating in the future”. This software creates millions of dollars per year out of thin air.

Cloudminer optimizes energy transfer. Every day, water evaporates off the top of a reservoir due to energy competition from the sun. Every day future customers evaporate from the sales funnel due to energy competition from lower cost competitors. Cloudminer intercepts the future more before it evaporates. I used some of the money created by Cloudminer to undo my lifetime carbon footprint.

I’m scaling my ideas through a regenerative business model that creates money, teaches skills, establishes communities, and restores habitat. This system is called Project Honeylight.