Step 1: This short video series is a step-by-step tutorial for learning how to draw a model of your own business. More information about my approach can be found here:

Step 2: This video describes a way to represent numbers spatially.

Step 3: This video explains a way to convert numbers in a visual representation of the value.

Step 4: There are three different types of money. 1) Potential money, which is money that exists in the sales funnel and is stored in the future. 2) Actual money, which is money that is either revenue or an expense. 3) Theoretical money, which is money that exists on a budget. All three types are represented visually in a scale model

Step 5) After the money is visualized, the processes that are moving the money should be organized on a timeline. A process is a series of steps done by people or automated systems. Each process is mapped to the workflows that move the potential and actual money.

Step 6) The next step is to draw the potential money in the business in a scale model. Using the timeline, work backwards from revenue to the first step in the process.


Step 7: The results of the processes can be visualized by representing the key performance indicators as color coded lines that connect the processes.


Step 8: Objective and repeatable performance requires a clear understanding of what is good, okay, and bad performance.

Step 9: It is important to consider subjective standards for each process too.

Step 10: A complex business can have multiple key performance indicators at each step in the process. This video describes how to combine them into a single representation based on the weight of each component.

Step 11: The next step is to picture the performance of the people doing the processes.

Step 12: Every person who is doing work in the business can be mapped to a matrix that shows their responsibilities, costs, quality, and purpose.

Step 13: All people can be mapped to the same matrix to show the performance of all employees in the business.
