June 21, 2023:

Milestone. Carbon negative for life. Complete

Carbon Negative for Life

When I got into the junk removal business in 2002, I made a spreadsheet to model the revenue I planned to capture in the coming decades. I also included projections for the number of employees and the number of trucks I’d need to do the work to capture the revenue. The model showed that I would need over 500 trucks by 2020. When I did the calculations for fuel, I realized that I would burn millions of gallons of gasoline over this period of time. I struggled with the idea of creating pollution to make money. As a philosophical compromise, I decided I’d undo my lifetime carbon footprint when I got to the end of the game. I accomplished that milestone in 2022.

I planted over 25,000 trees via One Tree Planted so far. Click here if you would like to support the project by planting trees to offset your carbon footprint. If you live in the USA, it will take about 200 trees per year to absorb the amount of carbon one adult creates. If you are twenty years old and you invest $1 per day in this, you will become carbon negative at the end of your lifespan.

I created money to purchase 7,400 tons of carbon credits by “mining it from the future”. This money will be used to develop waste gas recovery projects, preserve habitat, improve chemical processes, clean water, and develop wind power. Learn more about the Salesforce Net Zero project here.

I plan to scale this up as Project Honeylight develops.

This describes how Cloudminer creates money by mining money that is evaporating in the future. Cloudminer increases income-velocity in the sales funnel. Since time is money, this increases the money the business generates. I am using this tool in 17 businesses that process over $100 million in revenue per year. In the last year, Cloudminer created over $1 mill that would have evaporated if I didn’t implement this energy optimization. Cloudminer runs on Salesforce.

I visualize scale models of business systems. I built software called Bisualizer to demonstrate my ideas. In this model, potential money on the sales funnel is represented by spinning gears. The size of the gears represents the value of the money (mass) and the speed of the gears represents the velocity of the money (dollars per hour). I will use this model to prove that invisible energy systems, like businesses, have the energy property called “momentum. Bisualizer runs on Salesforce.

I’m using my energy transfer models to do something good for nature as part of Project Honeylight.