Lessons from Nature Podcast

Season Two: Modeling the Secrets of the Bees

Mobile Map of The Secrets of the Bees

Domain Category Name
Overview Modeling Modeling the Secrets of the Bees
Overview Physics Secrets Secrets 1-4: Physics
Fortune Physics (Laws) Secret 1. Life is Lucky #physics #luck
Sustainabilty Physics (Laws) Secret 2. Light is Honey #physics #energy
Existence Physics (Laws) Secret 3. Honey is Life #physics #life
Efficiency Physics (Laws) Secret 4. Time is Honey #physics #time
Efficiency Physics (Laws) Secret 4. Time is Money: Practical Examples #physics #time #money
Overview Biology Secrets Secrets 5-8: Biology
Fortune Biology (Adaptability) Secret 5. Honey Grows on Trees #biology #variability
Sustainabilty Biology (Adaptability) Secret 6. Honey Grows on Trees #biology #competition
Existence Biology (Adaptability) Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes #biology #seasonality
Efficiency Biology (Adaptability) Secret 8. Moving Honey is Work #biology #work
Overview Psychology Secrets Secrets 9-12: Psychology #collaboration
Fortune Psychology (Collaboration) Secret 9. It Takes a Team #psychology #teamwork
Sustainabilty Psychology (Collaboration) Secret 10. There’s Always a Queen #psychology #plan
Existence Psychology (Collaboration) Secret 11. Work Where You’re Strong #psychology #specialize
Efficiency Psychology (Collaboration) Secret 12. Honey Talks #psychology #communicate
Overview Economics Secrets Secrets 13-16: Economics
Fortune Economics (Preparation) Secret 13. Planning Saves Honey #economics #preparation
Sustainabilty Economics (Preparation) Secret 14. Stashing Honey is Storing Work #economics #storage
Existence Economics (Preparation) Secret 15. Honey Saved is Time Earned #economics #buytime
Existence Economics (Preparation) Secret 15. Honey Saved is Time Earned #economics #buytime
Efficiency Economics (Preparation) Secret 16. Future Bees Do Future Work #economics #nearfuture
Overview Anthropology Secrets Secrets 17-20: Anthropology
Fortune Anthropology (Progression) Secret 17. The Game of Survival #anthropology #farfuture
Sustainabilty Anthropology (Progression) Secret 18. Enough Honey for Everyone #optimize
Existence Anthropology (Progression) Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting #anthropology #cooperate
Efficiency Anthropology (Progression) Secret 20. It Costs More Later #anthroplogy
Overview Futurology Secrets Secrets 21-24: Futurology
Fortune Futurology (Implementation) Secret 21. Honey is Survival #futurology #strategy
Sustainabilty Futurology (Implementation) Secret 22. We’re All Just Passing Through
Existence Futurology (Implementation) Secret 23. Buying Time #futurology #solutions
Efficiency Futurology (Implementation) Secret 24. There’s So Much You Can Do #futurology #act
Co-host Summary Podcast: Co-host summary