Secret 3. Honey is Life #physics #life
Secret 3. Honey is Life
“Sugar stores solar energy. This solidified sunlight powers cars, airplanes, your computer, the internet, everything you eat, and everyone who ever lived. Sunlight powers life. All living things are powered by sunlight - including you.”
-Mother Nature
Domain: Physics
Branch: Chemistry
Pattern: Organic chemistry (honey->life)
Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes #biology #seasonality
Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes
"Energy is available in a habitat based on cyclical variables. If these cycles are stable, it's possible to plan for periods of abundance and scarcity. Next winter is always coming."
-Mother Nature
Domain: Biology
Branch: Phenology
Pattern: Seasonality (cycles)
Secret 11. Work Where You’re Strong #psychology #specialize
Secret 11. Work Where You’re Strong
"It's better to focus on making the most of your strengths than to work on improving your weaknesses."
-Mother Nature
Domain: Psychology
Branch: Social Psychology
Pattern: Specialize (strengths)
Secret 15. Honey Saved is Time Earned #economics #buytime
Secret 15. Honey Saved is Time Earned
"It's not possible to work all the time. Banked work can be traded for time not working."
-Mother Nature
Domain: Economics
Branch: Financial Economics
Pattern: Buy time (trade banked work for time)
Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting #anthropology #cooperate
Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting
"There is only one habitat for all living things. Fighting over resources is expensive. Investing in peace costs less energy than investing in war."
-Mother Nature
Domain: Anthropology
Branch: Globalization Anthropology
Pattern: Cooperate (invest together)
Secret 23. Buying Time #futurology #solutions
Secret 23. Buying Time
"When habitats are destroyed or ecosystems are thrown off balance, less energy can be used for growth. The best way to buy time is to spend energy restoring habitat and investing in solutions that stabilize the planetary ecosystem. It costs less energy to play the long game."
-Mother Nature
Domain: Futurology
Branch: Longevity Futurism
Pattern: Solutions (The Long Game)