Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting #anthropology #cooperate

Dr. Jamie Saris co-hosts the Anthropology series. Dr. Saris is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Maynooth University. He holds advanced degrees in Social-Cultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago (MA and PhD), and he has completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinically-Relevant Medical Anthropology in the Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School.

Far Future: Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting

Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting

"There is only one habitat for all living things. Fighting over resources is expensive. Investing in peace costs less energy than investing in war."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Anthropology
Branch: Globalization Anthropology
Pattern: Cooperate (invest together)

Dr. Jamie Saris the idea that peace costs less than war.


In this thought-provoking conversation with anthropologist Dr. Jamie Saris, we discuss cooperating with other people in the world live bees in a hive. We talk about the idea that since there's enough honey for everyone, it makes sense to invest in weapons of peace more than weapons of war. 

Dr. Jamie Saris, Associate Professor, Department of Anthropology, NUI Maynooth

Dr Saris is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Maynooth University. He holds advanced degrees in Social-Cultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago (MA and PhD), and he has completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinically-Relevant Medical Anthropology in the Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School.

Episode Highlights:
[0:02] - Investing in peace over war for long-term survival
[5:12] - Human impact on ecosystems and long-term planning
 [9:09] - Population growth, inequality, and social change
 [15:47] - The importance of shared truths and objective reality
 [20:22] - Climate change, mass migration, and shared governance
 [28:43] - Cooperation and anthropology

Links & Resources:

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Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting

Summary: This secret stresses the importance of collective survival efforts, emphasizing the costs of relocating hives and the harm it can cause, while proposing a cooperative approach to resource management, which mitigates future conflicts and ensures the preservation of their habitats.


Secret 18. Enough Honey for Everyone #optimize


Secret 20. It Costs More Later #anthroplogy