Secret 18. Enough Honey for Everyone #optimize

Dr. Jamie Saris co-hosts the Anthropology series. Dr. Saris is an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, Maynooth University. He holds advanced degrees in Social-Cultural Anthropology from the University of Chicago (MA and PhD), and he has completed a Postdoctoral Fellowship in Clinically-Relevant Medical Anthropology in the Department of Social Medicine, Harvard Medical School.

Far Future: Secret 18. Enough Honey for Everyone

Secret 18. Enough Honey for Everyone

"There's enough energy for all living things to thrive. It is unevenly distributed by geography, politics, tribalism, and a lack of planning for the future. Consuming banked energy that destabilizes the ecosystem reduces the habitable zones and biodiversity."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Anthropology
Branch: Environmental Anthropology
Pattern: Optimize (resource
allocation and growth)

Dr. Jamie Saris the idea that energy is abundant, but unequally distributed.


Today on the Lessons from Nature Podcast, we'll be discussing Secret 18 from Honey is Money, Enough Honey for Everyone. It's about the idea that energy is abundant on our planet, and there's enough energy for all living things to thrive. It's just simply miss allocated.

Episode Highlights:

[01:42] Rethinking “invasive species” and human impact.

[06:14] Ireland’s bogs shaped by ancient agricultural practices.

[07:35] Cycles of growth and collapse in habitats and civilizations.

[11:09] How to boost collaboration through properly structured meetings.

[17:16] Symbolic communication vs biological priorities.

[19:31] Tools allow leveraging energy, but disrupt habitats.

[21:18] Could a shared vision help human collaboration?

[26:30] Changing the status quo is hard when people benefit.

Links & Resources:

Project Honeylight:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of bees and business. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people and spread the word about the importance of nature and its lessons.

ChatGTBee knows there’s enough honey for everyone.

Secret 18. Enough Honey for Everyone

Summary: This secret reveals the purpose of the Council of Queens, a gathering aimed at promoting cooperation and sharing survival strategies among various bee hives to ensure the survival of their progeny and manage their shared habitat sustainably, acknowledging that it costs honey to store honey and that miscalculations can lead to resource scarcity.


Secret 17. The Game of Survival #anthropology #farfuture


Secret 19. Cooperating Costs Less Than Fighting #anthropology #cooperate