Secret 23. Buying Time #futurology #solutions

Podcast platforms

The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

David Houle co-hosts the Futurology Series.

Solutions: Secret 23. Buying Time

Secret 23. Buying Time

"When habitats are destroyed or ecosystems are thrown off balance, less energy can be used for growth. The best way to buy time is to spend energy restoring habitat and investing in solutions that stabilize the planetary ecosystem. It costs less energy to play the long game."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Futurology
Branch: Longevity Futurism
Pattern: Solutions (The Long Game)

Podcast Episode 23. Buying Time

In this episode, David and I discuss solutions that we can implement that can stabilize and improve our eco-system.


In this episode, David Houle and I discuss the concept of "Buying Time" - the idea that we can convert money into time by investing in things that stabilize our ecosystem and create money along the way. We discuss the importance of sustainable practices and how they can help us secure a better future for the coming generations. So, buckle up and get ready to explore some thought-provoking insights!

Episode Highlights:

[2:10] Renewable energy infrastructure and research.

[3:46] What is the current state of alternative energy?

[7:20] Selling energy back to the grid.

[11:24] Rethinking the use of water.

[15:26] Food and the environment.

[19:17] The problem with monocropping

[22:30] Invest in research and development.

[26:27] The urgency of the situation.

 Links & Resources:

This Spaceship Earth ( - A global nonprofit co-founded by David Houle to face the climate crisis.

Links & Resources:

Project Honeylight:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of bees and business. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people like you. Until next time, remember, the cosmos is within us, and we are a way for the universe to know itself.

Secret 23. Buying Time

Summary: This secret discusses the necessity of environmental conservation, emphasizing the importance of planting trees and maintaining habitats for future generations to counterbalance carbon emissions and ensure the survival of bee populations.


Secret 22. We’re All Just Passing Through


Secret 24. There’s So Much You Can Do #futurology #act