Secret 22. We’re All Just Passing Through

Podcast platforms

The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

David Houle co-hosts the Futurology Series.

Planning: Secret 22. We’re All Just Passing Through

Secret 22. We’re All Just Passing Through

"Social, economic, and political developments impact the collective ability to adapt to changes in habitat and energy availability. Future generations will either have advantages or disadvantages as a result of decisions made today. All living things are just passing through space and time."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Futurology
Branch: Demography Futurism
Pattern: Lifetime (just passing through)

Podcast Episode 22. We’re All Just Passing Through

In this episode, David Houle and I discuss the idea that we are all just passing through space and time.


In this episode of the Lessons From Nature podcast, we dig into the profound concept that we're all just passing through this world. We explore the idea that this isn't our planet, it's just our turn. We discuss the secrets of the bees, the importance of long-term planning, and how we can learn from nature to create a sustainable future. Join us as we journey through space and time, exploring the interconnectedness of all life and our role in the grand scheme of things.

Episode Highlights:

[3:38] A story from nature and the secrets of the bees.

[7:33] The problem with humanity and the planet.

[9:17] The bees and the climate crisis.

[12:04] Moving to a spatial connectivity.

[15:22] The problem with population growth and aging population.

[19:23] The importance of symbiotic relationships with nature.

[22:52] How technology can be used to reduce environmental harm.

 Links & Resources:

This Spaceship Earth ( - A global nonprofit co-founded by David Houle to face the climate crisis.

Links & Resources:

Project Honeylight:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of bees and business. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people like you. Until next time, remember, the cosmos is within us, and we are a way for the universe to know itself.

Secret 22. We're All Just Passing Through

Summary: This secret asserts the significance of legacy and responsibility in preserving and enriching the future for succeeding generations, highlighting the importance of passing on vital knowledge and resources to them.

We’re all just passing through.


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