Secret 21. Honey is Survival #futurology #strategy

David Houle co-hosts the Futurology Series.

Planning: Secret 21. Honey is Survival

Secret 21. Honey is Survival

"The only way to do the work to improve habitat is with energy transfer. Regenerative systems create value for the world, for the self, and for the tribe. Energy must flow to create change."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Futurology
Branch: Environmental Futurism
Pattern: Strategy (regenerative systems)

Podcast Episode 21. Honey is Survival

In this episode, David Houle and I discuss strategies for investing in long term survival.


Dive deep into the secrets of the bees and the lessons we can learn from nature. We explore the idea that our decisions today impact our future and the future of all living things. Join us as we discuss the importance of storing our sunlight (energy) in the most efficient way and how we can use some of the money we store to create strategies and tools that improve life on our planet. 

Episode Highlights:

[1:49] The human pursuit of money abstracts us from nature.

[3:09] The definition of a sustainable situation.

[7:32] How we’ve moved from denial to action.

[11:19] Why we’ve been in a deficit.

[14:44] The trajectory of energy flow on the planet.

[18:19] What is the best energy source?

[21:51] Money is survival energy is survival.

[25:21] Disaster preparedness and climate.

[28:43] Education is the trigger of all the disasters.

 Links & Resources:

This Spaceship Earth ( - A global nonprofit co-founded by David Houle to face the climate crisis.

Links & Resources:

Project Honeylight:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of bees and business. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people like you. Until next time, remember, the cosmos is within us, and we are a way for the universe to know itself.

Secret 21. Honey is Survival

The secret emphasizes the importance of strategic and sustainable planning for the survival of the bee species, acknowledges that the over-harvesting of nectar can harm the Earth, and urges the need to balance the benefits of honey production with the cost to the environment.


Secrets 21-24: Futurology


Secret 22. We’re All Just Passing Through