Secret 24. There’s So Much You Can Do #futurology #act

David Houle co-hosts the Futurology Series.

Act: Secret 24. There’s So Much You Can Do

Secret 24. There’s So Much You Can Do

"The pursuit of energy in the absence of long term planning reduces the habitable areas on the planet. The business of making honey is identical to the business of making money. Developing and deploying regenerative business systems creates value for the world, the individual, and the tribe of all living things. It is wise to model the secrets of the bees."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Futurology
Branch: Actionable Futurism
Pattern: Act (BeeBox Regenerative Business System)


David and I explore the concept of regeneration and how it applies to our lives and our health. We also delve into the idea of using money as a tool for improving our world, restoring habitats, and building communities. I'm joined by my co-host, David Houle, a futurist, thinker, and keynote speaker who has dedicated his life to creating a better tomorrow. Together, we discuss the secrets of the bees and how we can apply these lessons to our own lives. So, if you're curious about nature, health, and the future, this episode is for you!

Episode Highlights:

Episode Highlights: 

[01:58] Introduction of co-host David Houle and his contributions to facing the climate crisis.

[02:11] Discussion on practical ways to implement regenerative systems in the real world.

[04:32] The importance of bees in our ecosystem and the concept of regenerative steps.

[08:04] The concept of compound interest and how it relates to the beebox regenerative business system.

[11:56] Addressing the perception of bees and the value of educating people about their significance.

[14:48] The process of selling honey and the concept of tokenizing sunlight.

[16:44] The timeline for the availability of bee boxes and the software to support beekeepers.

[20:24] The role of software in running the beebox business and the plan for its development.

 Links & Resources:

This Spaceship Earth ( - A global nonprofit co-founded by David Houle to face the climate crisis.

Links & Resources:

Project Honeylight:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of bees and business. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people like you. Until next time, remember, the cosmos is within us, and we are a way for the universe to know itself.

Secret 24. There’s So Much You Can Do

Summary: After receiving wisdom from Queen Claudine, the girl wakes up, understanding the intricate connections of nature, and resolves to contribute to creating habitats and planting trees to aid the bees and the environment, acknowledging that this act will benefit everyone.


Secret 23. Buying Time #futurology #solutions


Podcast: Co-host summary