Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes #biology #seasonality

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The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

Biologist Hannah Mather is the co-host of the Biology series.

Seasonality: Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes

Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes

"Energy is available in a habitat based on cyclical variables. If these cycles are stable, it's possible to plan for periods of abundance and scarcity. Next winter is always coming."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Biology
Branch: Phenology
Pattern: Seasonality (cycles)

This is the seventh episode of the podcast. Hannah and I discuss seasonal energy availability.


Welcome to another episode of the Lessons from Nature Podcast! In this episode, Hannah Mather and I continue our look into the fascinating world of bees, exploring their adaptability, their unique business model, and the lessons we can learn from them. Join us as we discuss the secret of honey as money, the study of seasonal cycles, and how bees adapt to variability, competition, seasonality, and work.

[1:49] Seasonality is a predictable variability in your life.
[4:20] The importance of seasonality.
[6:36] Seasonality of the Junk Removal business.
[11:13] Are there any specific marketing tactics that different flowers have at different times of the season to attract the most number of workers to move their information around?
[16:19] The male bees in the hive are called drones.
[18:39] The queen bee lives the human equivalent of 1500 years compared to an 18 year lifespan.
[22:42] The world that’s bigger than the world right in front of us.
[24:18] Planning for the long term.
[29:13] The game of making money in business.

Links & Resources:

Hannah Mather on Instagram:

Thank you for tuning in to this episode of the Lessons from Nature Podcast. If you enjoyed this episode, please take a moment to rate, follow, and review or comment on our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people like you. Until next time, remember to stay adaptable and keep learning from nature!

If too much honey is extracted in the summer, the bees will need an energy infusion (sugar syrup) the next spring. In a business, if too much money is removed during the busy season, the business will need a cash infusion to ramp up.

Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes: The bee teaches the girl about the cyclical nature of day and night, the changing seasons due to Earth's tilt, the impermanence of life, and the necessity of planning and adapting to these changes in the context of a bee's life and honey production.


Secret 6. We’re Not Playing Alone #biology #competition


Secret 8. Moving Honey is Work #biology #work