Secret 8. Moving Honey is Work #biology #work

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The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

Biologist Hannah Mather is the co-host of the Biology series.

Work: Secret 8. Moving Honey is Work

Secret 8. Moving Honey is Work

"It costs energy to move energy. Moving energy is work."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Biology
Branch: Cellular Biology
Pattern: Work (time, effort, risk)

This is the eighth episode of the podcast. Hannah and I discuss that any process that moves energy is called work.


In this episode, Heather Mather and I discuss the concept of work in the context of business and biology, the efficiency of bees, and the parallels between a beehive and a business. We also explore the concepts of continuous improvement, performance metrics, and the hive mind in both bees and business. Join us as we uncover the secrets of the bees and how they can teach us valuable lessons about our own businesses and lives.

Episode Highlights:

[1:58] The three types of energy.
[6:20] The parallel between business and bees.
[9:40] Optimizing for the shortest time.
[12:53] What should I look for when inspecting a hive (or business)?
[15:41] The hive mind in a bee hive.
[19:14] Swarm decision-making.
[22:24] Incentives in business and decision making.
[26:32] Old technologies vs. new technologies.

Links & Resources:

Hannah Mather on Instagram:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of bees and business. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people like you. Until next time, remember, the cosmos is within us, and we are a way for the universe to know itself.

Moving honey is work. I used the wrong feeder box and the bees filled in the empty space with wax. Sadly, all of this energy is wasted because the wax isn’t connected to any frames. I will need to feed the bees another 50 lbs of sugar to make it up. This will cost me $55 and one hour. Honey is money.

Secret 8. Moving Honey is Work: The bee explains to the girl that light is weightless yet its capture in the form of nectar is laborious, necessitating careful navigation of day and night cycles, emphasizing the cost of survival and the interplay between work, energy, and time.


Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes #biology #seasonality


Secrets 9-12: Psychology #collaboration