Secret 6. We’re Not Playing Alone #biology #competition

Podcast platforms

The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

Biologist Hannah Mather is the co-host of the Biology series.

Competition: Secret 6. We’re Not Playing Alone

Secret 6: Competition

"All living things compete for energy. This creates energy imbalances and energy optimizations in localized habitats."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Biology
Branch: Competitive Ecology
Pattern: Competition (survival of the fittest)

This is the sixth podcast episode. Hannah Mather and I discuss biological competition.


In this episode, we explore more of the fascinating world of bees and their remarkable adaptability. We look at how these tiny creatures are not just surviving, but thriving in a world full of variables and competition. Join us as we discuss the secrets of the bees and how they relate to the human business of making money and the bee business of making honey.

Episode Highlights:

[00:22] Introduction to the concept of biological adaptability and survival of the fittest.
[01:49] Introduction of co-host Hannah Mather, a biologist with a deep connection to all living things.
[03:19] How Hannah won the competition to co-host the biology series.
[05:31] The honeybees' adaptability to seasonality of the inflow of nectar and pollen.
[07:21] The impact of fuel costs on business decisions and parallels in the bee world.
[10:29] The competitive advantages of honeybees over other species.
[13:56] The importance of training and development in business and how it relates to beekeeping.
[16:12] The physical attributes of honeybees that enable them to be more adaptable.
[19:03] The operational efficiencies of honeybees and their division of labor.
[22:23] How honeybees work in an organized and efficient manner within specific roles.

Links & Resources:

Hannah Mather on Instagram:

Thank you for tuning into this episode of our podcast. We hope you enjoyed our deep dive into the world of bees and their incredible adaptability. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more listeners like you. Until next time, keep buzzing!

Secret 6. We’re Not Playing Alone: The bee elaborates to the girl on how energy from sunlight, stored in flowers, becomes the life-sustaining honey, the cooperative effort in a hive to survive, and the competitive nature of seeking this energy among numerous bee colonies.


Secret 5. Honey Grows on Trees #biology #variability


Secret 7. Honey Comes and Honey Goes #biology #seasonality