Secret 1. Life is Lucky #physics #luck
Secret 1. Life is Lucky
“The conditions that support life are rare. Life is lucky.”
-Mother Nature
Domain: Physics
Branch: Astrophysics
Pattern: Luck (probability of life)
Secret 2. Light is Honey #physics #energy
Secret 2: Light is Honey
"Energy from the sun radiates to Earth and is converted into sugar by photosynthesis. Sunlight is energy.”
-Mother Nature
Domain: Physics
Branch: Energy transfer
Pattern: Energy
Secret 3. Honey is Life #physics #life
Secret 3. Honey is Life
“Sugar stores solar energy. This solidified sunlight powers cars, airplanes, your computer, the internet, everything you eat, and everyone who ever lived. Sunlight powers life. All living things are powered by sunlight - including you.”
-Mother Nature
Domain: Physics
Branch: Chemistry
Pattern: Organic chemistry (honey->life)
Secret 4. Time is Honey #physics #time
Secret 4. Time is Honey
“Life costs energy. Energy transfer costs time. Time costs energy.”
-Mother Nature
Domain: Physics
Branch: Thermodynamics
Pattern: Heat (time and energy)
Secret 4. Time is Money: Practical Examples #physics #time #money
Secret 4. Time is Money
“Life costs energy. Energy transfer costs time. Time costs energy.”
-Mother Nature
Domain: Physics
Branch: Thermodynamics
Pattern: Heat (time and energy)