Secrets 13-16: Economics

Domain: Economics

All collaborative species that can communicate follow the principles of economics to increase their chances of survival.

Podcast platforms

The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

Domain summary: Economics

In this economics series, David Dorr, co-founder and chief investment officer of Dorr Asset Management, and I explore the world of bees and draw parallels between their survival, planning, and optimization strategies with the world of business and finance. We discuss how bees and humans store energy, the role of cash reserves, resource allocation, passive income, and social structures. These episodes provide fascinating insights into the economic secrets of bees, the symbiotic relationship between energy, time, and money, and how the wisdom of the hive can be applied to improve businesses, understand the future of work and resources, and address modern-day challenges

David Dorr co-hosts the Economics Series.

Domain four (out of six): Economics. Secrets 13-16

David Dorr is the Co-founder and Chief Investment Officer of Dorr Asset Management, a global macro investment management and principal trading firm. He has more than 25 years of experience in global macroeconomics, with a special focus on investments in planetary health. Secrets thirteen through sixteen are based on behaviors related to economics. These secrets cover planning, storage, buying time, and the near future.

Navigation: Modeling the Secrets of the Bees Overview


Secret 12. Honey Talks #psychology #communicate


Secret 13. Planning Saves Honey #economics #preparation