Secret 9. It Takes a Team #psychology #teamwork

Podcast platforms

The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

Ram Nayyar is the co-host of the Psychology series.

Teamwork: Secret 9. It Takes a Team

Secret 9. Teamwork

"Energy transfer is more efficient when teams work together to optimize time and work. This maximizes the rate of energy collection and storage."

-Mother Nature

Domain: Psychology

Branch: Organizational Psychology

Pattern: Teamwork

Podcast Episode 9. It Takes a Team

All living things work to stay alive. Collaborative species work together to improve their chances of survival. Teamwork allows specialization.


In this episode, Ram Nayyar and I discuss the psychological secrets of bees, the human business of making money, and the bee business of making honey. We discuss how bees have different roles, skills, and strengths, just like humans do. Ram provides insight into maximizing the strengths of individuals and understanding the division of labor.

Episode Highlights:

Episode Highlights:

[2:07] The importance of teamwork

[10:18] Building a hive

[13:21] Defense and communication

[16:59] Onboarding new team members

[24:03] Keeping the hive clean

Links & Resources:

Ram Nayyar’s website:

Ram Nayyar’s book: The Sport of Life: Reaching True Happiness & Success Through Fearless Living

Project Honeylight:

Thank you for joining us on this journey through the world of bees and business. If you enjoyed this episode, please remember to rate, follow, and review our podcast. Your support helps us reach more people like you. Until next time, remember, the cosmos is within us, and we are a way for the universe to know itself.

Secret 9. It Takes a Team: Experiencing a dream-like state, the girl is invited into the bee hive where she learns about their cooperative system of survival, the importance of collective work to feed young bees, the passing down of genetic information, and the shared responsibility of gathering sunlight to ensure the survival of their genetic code.


Secrets 9-12: Psychology #collaboration


Secret 10. There’s Always a Queen #psychology #plan