Secrets 1-4: Physics

Domain: Physics

All living things follow the laws of physics in the pursuit of energy. Thermodynamics is never optional.

Podcast platforms

The Lessons from Nature Podcast is available on Spotify, Apple, Buzzsprout, and other platforms.

Domain summary: Physics

The conditions that support life are rare. Energy from the sun is converted into chemical energy in the form of sugar. This solidified sunlight powers all living things, and fossil fuels. In addition, sunlight powers wind energy, solar energy, and hydroelectric energy. Nuclear energy is powered by old star rocks. Energy is transferred from the sun into money through human work. Money is energy.

Domain 1 (out of six): Physics. Secrets 1-4

Co-Host. Chris Sparrow. Studied astrophysics and is currently analyzing and forecasting the weather patterns of large capital markets.

The first four secrets are based on the thermodynamics of life. They cover the probability of life, energy, organic life, and the energy cost of time.

Navigation: Modeling the Secrets of the Bees Overview


Modeling the Secrets of the Bees


Secret 1. Life is Lucky #physics #luck