Tactic 001. Proof. September 24, 1985

My mind is full of models. When I was ten, I decided I’d do something good with them when I was in my fifties. When I was fifteen, I decided I’d use my model of energy transfer to launch an eco-project based on the ideas of Carl Sagan, Buckminster Fuller, and the Native American philosophies I learned from Tom Brown, Jr. and Stalking Wolf, at the Tracker School in the summers of 1984 and 1985.

I saw the movie Back to the Future in August 1985. This movie inspired me to think about creating a time capsule that couldn’t be erased or lost. I knew that people in the future would say this story was “unbelievable”. I never liked that word, so I decided to make this story “believable” by creating proof on a permanent record. That’s why I decided to buy a piece of land in the woods.

I knew that if I created a permanent record, it would reduce the number of people in the future who would say that my eco-project was “unbelievable”. On the whole, this kind of move makes it more “believable”.

I bought the land on this deed with money I made mowing lawns while visualizing the lawn-mowing business between April 1985 and September 1985.

There were three outcomes I planned to achieve with this:

  • I wanted to make this story more believable by creating a permanent record.

  • I thought it would be cool to have a cabin in the woods to hatch a plan.

  • It helps to create milestones in the future so I can reverse engineer from a known point.

I knew if I lived to be around 55, I would be in the position to launch Project Honeylight. The fact that you are reading this means I caught up to the future I imagined when I was fifteen.

Today is February 26, 2024. By December 31, 2030, I plan to create a system that helps 10,000 beekeepers create pollinator habitat and money through a regenerative business system.

Please note: Project Honeylight is still under construction and I’m still assembling the pieces to get things going. I plan to build, tinker, and test in 2024. It will take a few years to get things dialed in.

I’m telling a bunch of stories on the Practical Dreaming podcast series that describe the models that I used to make it this far. I also describe my plans up to the year 2030. This story is about imagining the future in 1985 so I could intercept it around now. The story involves the deed at the top of this page.

Welcome to the campaign!

Data Table
Key Value
Tactic Id Tactic 001
Story Id Story 3
Name Proof
Attributes World building
Date Completed September 24, 1985
Pattern Visionary
Emotion Inspiration
Timing Vision sequence (Summer 1985)



Tactic 002. Life is Lucky. Launch sequence. October 2023