Relationships: Observation 09. Geometry within systems. 1978


The coolest thing this story teaches us is how everything around us, like music on a record or a marble rolling down a ramp, is connected by energy, information, and shapes. When the record spins, the grooves change to keep the music sounding right, even though it moves faster on the outside and slower on the inside. It's like a puzzle where the pieces of energy (how fast something moves), information (what's happening), and shapes (like the grooves or the ramp) fit together to make something happen.

The Lesson:

The key lesson from this story is the discovery that energy, information, and geometry are interconnected, as demonstrated by the changing groove density on a record affecting sound quality without altering pitch, despite varying speeds.

How this is helpful:

  1. Curiosity Drives Learning: The story shows how being curious can lead us to discover amazing things about the world.

  2. Understanding Connections: It teaches us to see how different things, like energy, information, and shapes, are linked together.

  3. Problem-Solving Skills: The story encourages us to think creatively and find solutions by understanding how things work together.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. What Connects? - What links can I find between different things I observe?

  2. How Does It Work? - In what ways do the objects and forces around me interact and function?

  3. Why This Pattern? - What reasons might there be behind the patterns and structures I see in nature and technology?


Experiments: Observation 08. Light, color, vibration, time, and motion. 1977. Testing


Systems: Observation 10. Marbles and ramps. 1979