Energy: Observation 11. Marbles, ramps, and dominoes. 1980


The key observation from this story is that the height from which a marble is rolled down a ramp affects its momentum, which can be measured by the number of dominoes it knocks over. It can also be felt when the marbles bumped into my fingers. This experiment with marbles and dominoes taught me about energy transfer and momentum, concepts I later applied to understand the impact of spending in business. Just like a marble's speed and impact are influenced by its starting height, the effectiveness of money spent in marketing is determined by the amount and speed of expenditure.

The Lesson:

The most important lesson from this story is that understanding the principles of momentum and energy transfer in simple physical experiments can provide insights into managing and maximizing the impact of resources in real-world applications like business.

How this is helpful:

  1. Conceptual Understanding: Grasping fundamental physics concepts through practical experiments.

  2. Resource Management: Learning to optimize and measure the impact of resources effectively.

  3. Creative Problem-Solving: Applying scientific insights to diverse areas like business and marketing.


  1. What's Momentum? - How can feeling a marble's impact teach us about momentum and energy? What other things have momentum?

  2. Why Dominoes? - What do falling dominoes reveal about energy transfer and impact?

  3. Beyond Physics? - How can lessons from marbles and ramps apply to understanding business and life?

Doing experiments with marbles and ramps taught me how to visualize scale models of energy transfer at snapshots in time.

Cognition maps six simultaneous perspectives at snapshots in time. These perspectives show: what, how many, where, when, how, and why.

I learned to visualize the relationship between energy and information in systems by doing experiments with marbles and ramps in 1980.


Systems: Observation 10. Marbles and ramps. 1979


Optimization: Observation 12. Visually optimizing systems. 1982