Optimization: Observation 12. Visually optimizing systems. 1982


After extensive thought and building a machine to measure how long this type of machine would run, I already knew that a perpetual motion machine—one that can run indefinitely without an external source of energy—is impossible. I knew this because I can hear marbles rolling down a ramp. I knew the sound I head was related to the rate a marble slowed down. The louder the sound, the faster it slowed down as a proportion of velocity. This is the sound of friction. I knew it in a model without knowing the word for it for a long time.This realization, aligned with the fundamental laws of physics, signifies the unavoidable nature of energy loss in any mechanical process, an essential observation about the universe. Still, it is fun to optimize to see how far and how fast things will go.

The Lesson:

Despite his persistence and imagination, Mark realized the impossibility of creating a perpetual motion machine after hearing the marbles roll in his mind.

How this is helpful:

  1. Value of Perseverance and Curiosity: Mark's journey highlights the importance of persistence and continuous exploration. Even when faced with challenges, maintaining curiosity can lead to significant learning experiences.

  2. Understanding Limitations: While it's essential to push boundaries, it's equally crucial to recognize and accept certain fundamental limitations. This awareness helps in channeling energy towards feasible and productive endeavors.

  3. The Power of Intuition and Reflection: Mark's ability to "hear" the marbles in his mind emphasizes the role of intuition and reflection in the problem-solving process. Sometimes, introspection can guide us to conclusions that extensive experimentation might not.


  1. Self-Reflection on Persistence: "Have I ever given up on a project or idea prematurely, and what could I have learned if I had pursued it further, even if just for the sake of understanding?"

  2. Balancing Imagination with Reality: "How do I ensure that my creative endeavors are rooted in feasibility, and how can I better discern between innovative ideas and those that defy fundamental principles?"

  3. Value of Intuitive Insights: "How often do I trust and act upon my intuition, and how can I better tune into my internal perceptions to guide my decision-making?"

I knew my machine wouldn’t spin around forever, but I couldn’t know how long it would spin before it stopped. This annoyed me for two years so I built it to find out.

This looks at a “perpetual motion machine” through the lens of energy and information systems.

This is from the Playing with Systems series.


Energy: Observation 11. Marbles, ramps, and dominoes. 1980


Business: Observation 13. Business systems can be visualized in scale models. 1985