Business: Observation 13. Business systems can be visualized in scale models. 1985


At 14, I learned from my dad the importance of understanding money through three key questions about age, longevity, and financial security. This led to the realization that small, consistent savings from a young age can grow into a significant amount by retirement. My early business ventures, like lawn mowing, taught me to see businesses as systems, understanding the potential and actual revenue.

Historical Note:

When I was 15, I decided I’d use this model to create money and habitat as part of a future “eco-project” that I planned to launch when I was in my fifties. If you are reading this, I launched it. I knew n oone would believe that I planned this back in 1985, so I created proof. This is Tactic 001 for Project Honeylight.

The Lesson:

Consistent, small actions over time, coupled with a systemic understanding of business and revenue, can lead to significant financial security and success.

How this is helpful:

  1. Perspective: It teaches the value of long-term planning and consistency.

  2. Awareness: Recognizes the importance of understanding one's financial environment.

  3. Initiative: Encourages entrepreneurial spirit and proactive decision-making.


  1. What's My Plan? - How do I envision my financial future?

  2. How Consistent Am I? - Am I regularly contributing to my goals?

  3. What's My System? - How do I view and manage my business or income sources?

In a business, money can be represented by spinning gears. The size of the gears represents the value of the money and the speed of the gears represents the velocity of the money. The processes are modeled as a flow chart and the lines between the steps in the process are color coded and change length in proportion to the performance of the “friction” within the process. The performance of the people doing the work is color coded at each step in the process.


Optimization: Observation 12. Visually optimizing systems. 1982


Nonlinear: Observation 14. It’s possible to visualize the flow of energy through a system. 1985