Nonlinear: Observation 14. It’s possible to visualize the flow of energy through a system. 1985


I learned to understand dynamic systems by visualizing them as energy and information systems. By observing a marble's movement down a ramp, I could track its position, velocity, and energy loss due to friction, all visualized through color-coded spatial models. This method helped me grasp complex concepts like mass, gravity, and energy transfer in a tangible, visual way.

The Lesson:

Visualizing dynamic systems in detailed, proportional models can provide deep insights into how things work, from simple physics to complex business and data systems.

How this is helpful:

  1. Understanding Complexity: Simplifies complex concepts.

  2. Visual Learning: Enhances learning through visualization.

  3. Application: Aids in applying these concepts to various fields like business and data management.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How to Visualize? - What other systems or concepts can I visualize to understand better?

  2. Why Models? - Why are visual models effective in understanding complex systems?

  3. What's Next? - How can I use this method to solve real-world problems or create new projects?


Business: Observation 13. Business systems can be visualized in scale models. 1985


Spatial: Observation 15. Strategies and plans can be visualized. 1985