Patterns: Observation 01. People move in unique ways. 1973. People Dances


From a young age, I recognized that people have distinct movements and body language. I could identify my family members by the sounds of their footsteps and the dance of their movements even before knowing their names. This experience taught me that one can understand something in multiple ways.

The Lesson:

The lesson here emphasizes the importance of non-verbal communication and perception. It suggests that everyone has unique patterns and behaviors that can be identified and understood without words, underscoring the richness and variety of human expression.

How this is helpful:

  1. Interpersonal Relationships: Recognizing that people have unique ways of moving and expressing themselves can help foster better understanding and empathy in relationships. We can become more attuned to others' emotions and states of mind by paying attention to their nonverbal cues.

  2. Professional Development: In a professional setting, understanding body language can greatly enhance communication and collaboration. This skill can help in assessing situations, understanding team dynamics, and even in negotiation or leadership roles.

  3. Personal Growth: It encourages the development of observation skills and empathy. Understanding that everyone moves and expresses themselves differently can foster a greater appreciation for diversity and individuality.


  1. Attention: How attentive am I to the body language and unique movements of people around me?

  2. Body language: How can I improve my ability to understand others through their non-verbal cues?

  3. Relationships: In what ways could understanding these unique movements enhance my relationships with others?


Practical Dreaming: You have permission to dream.


Motions: Observation 02. Everything moves in predictable ways. 1973. Shadow Dances