Vibrations: Observation 07. Mapping sounds to models. 1977. Categories


When I was around seven, I developed a keen ability to identify and categorize car engines by their unique sounds, understanding their types, sizes, and configurations. I noticed that manufacturers often reused engine and transmission types across different car models, leading me to connect engine sounds with specific car body styles. For fun, I would guess the colors of cars based on their engine sounds, enjoying the process of sorting and categorizing these auditory and visual elements.

The Lesson

Paying close attention to details can foster a deep understanding and appreciation of the world around us.

How this is helpful

  1. Value of Observation and Attention to Detail: The story emphasizes the importance of closely observing the world around us. By paying attention to details, one can derive patterns, learn, and even find joy in mundane things, which can be valuable in professions and situations that require keen observation and analysis.

  2. Cultivating Passion: The story showcases how nurturing an interest or hobby can provide personal satisfaction and growth. This is a testament to the idea that pursuing one's passion, no matter how niche, can lead to happiness and fulfillment, reminding us to respect and invest time in our individual interests.

  3. Experimentation and Learning from Failure: Associating car sounds with colors as a fun game, even if they aren't always correct. This reflects the idea that it's okay to make mistakes and learn from them, and that the journey or process can be just as rewarding as the end result. This attitude can be beneficial in life, where trial and error often leads to better understanding and personal growth.


  1. Mindful Observation: Do I take the time to observe and appreciate the details around me, and what insights or joys have I missed by not doing so?

  2. Passion Exploration: What unique or niche passions do I have, and how can I further cultivate and integrate them into my daily life for personal fulfillment?

  3. Joyful Experimentation: When have I experimented with something for the sheer joy of the process, without being overly concerned about the outcome, and how can I incorporate this mindset more frequently in my pursuits?


Measurement: Observation 06. Mapping information to models. 1976. Calibrating


Experiments: Observation 08. Light, color, vibration, time, and motion. 1977. Testing