Momentum: Observation 05. Predicting the future. 1976. Predicting


When I was five or six years old, my dad taught me how to play catch. I realized both of us could predict where a ball would land, illustrating an ability to predict the future in that context. This act of prediction wasn't about magical foresight but understanding motion, momentum, and intuition. I later realized this skill could be applied to ideas, envisioning a future scenario and then backtracking step-by-step to the present, guiding actions towards desired outcomes.

The Lesson:

Predicting the future, whether with a ball or with ideas, is about understanding patterns, intuition, and working backward from a clear vision of a desired outcome.

How this is helpful:

  1. Anticipating Outcomes: By understanding patterns and using intuition, one can foresee potential results or issues in the planning process. This foresight allows for proactive adjustments and can prevent mishaps before they occur.

  2. Backward Design: Working backward from a clear vision or goal ensures that every step taken is purposeful and directly contributes to achieving the desired outcome. It provides clarity on the necessary prerequisites and stages to be completed.

  3. Enhanced Decision-Making: Recognizing patterns and trusting intuition can lead to more confident and informed decisions during planning, ensuring that actions align with the overall objectives and vision.


  1. Vision Clarity: What is the clear vision or outcome I want to achieve in the future, and how can I describe it in detail?

  2. Pattern Recognition: Based on past experiences and patterns, what potential challenges or opportunities might I encounter on my path to this vision?

  3. Backward Mapping: Starting with my end goal, what are the immediate steps or conditions that must precede it, and how can I trace these steps back to where I am now to create a roadmap?


Colors: Observation 04. Friction is always red. 1975. Word Dances


Measurement: Observation 06. Mapping information to models. 1976. Calibrating