Sounds: Observation 03. A mysterious letter called elemenopee. 1974. Letter Dances


When I was three years old, after hearing my sister sing the "ABC" song, I recognized letters in words, such as A in Apple. However, I was puzzled by the seemingly singular letter "elemenopee." It took me six months and an ABC book to realize "elemenopee" were individual letters, teaching me that answers can be hidden due to limited perspective.

The Lesson

The most important lesson from this story is the significance of careful observation, perseverance, and self-discovery in learning, and how misunderstandings can occur due to how information is presented or communicated.

How this is helpful

  1. Learning Through Repetition: This story illustrates the value of repetition in learning. By repeatedly listening to the alphabet song sung by his sister, the narrator learned the alphabet too. This can be applied in various learning scenarios, such as memorizing a presentation or studying for an exam.

  2. Patience and Persistence in Learning: The six-month hunt for the elusive "elemenopee" teaches us that learning can often require patience and persistence, especially when faced with confusing or unclear information. When learning new skills or concepts, we might face obstacles or challenges, but persistence can help overcome them.

  3. Importance of Clear Communication: The misunderstanding of "lmno" as "elemenopee" showcases the importance of clear and precise communication, particularly in educational settings. When explaining concepts to others, it is crucial to ensure that the information is conveyed in a clear and understandable way. This lesson can be applied in various settings, such as teaching, team management, or presenting information.


  1. Understanding New Concepts: What strategies can I use to make sure I fully understand a new concept or skill before moving on?

  2. Enhancing Learning: How can I improve my listening and observation skills to enhance my learning process?

  3. Seeking Help: What resources are available to me when I encounter a confusing situation or a concept I don't understand?


Motions: Observation 02. Everything moves in predictable ways. 1973. Shadow Dances


Colors: Observation 04. Friction is always red. 1975. Word Dances