Time is Honey: Observation 38. Biological work costs Energy. 2020


The most important observation in this story is the parallel drawn between the efficient energy management of bees and human business practices. Bees, through their waggle dance, communicate valuable information about energy sources (nectar) to other bees, optimizing their collective effort. Similarly, the narrator's junk business operates on efficient communication and coordination, mirroring the bees' strategy to maximize energy (money) gain.

The Lesson:

Efficient communication and coordination in resource management, as demonstrated by bees, are vital principles that can be applied to human businesses for optimal performance.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Communication: Streamlines efforts in team environments.

  2. Coordination: Enhances productivity and resource management.

  3. Observation: Learning from nature to improve human practices.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. How Communicate? How can I improve communication to enhance efficiency in my activities?

  2. Where Coordinate? In what areas of my life or work can I better coordinate efforts?

  3. Nature's Lessons: What other natural processes can teach me about efficiency and sustainability?


Sugar is Energy: Observation 37. Light is Honey. 2020


Bee Wisdom: Observation 39. Secrets of the Bees. 2020