Sugar is Energy: Observation 37. Light is Honey. 2020


The most important observation in the story is the realization that hexagons offer a highly efficient structure for different purposes. The narrator discovered this while designing a simple, cost-effective fire pit, leading to insights about energy optimization in nature and business, similar to how bees use hexagons in honeycombs to efficiently store energy.

The Lesson:

Simplicity and efficiency in design, inspired by nature, can lead to significant savings in resources and effort.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Efficiency: Encourages optimal use of resources.

  2. Inspiration: Demonstrates learning from nature's designs.

  3. Innovation: Promotes creative problem-solving by thinking oppositely.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Nature's Wisdom: How can nature's designs inspire solutions in my life?

  2. Resource Use: Am I using resources in the most efficient way?

  3. Opposite Thinking: What innovative ideas can emerge from considering the opposite of a problem?


Project Honeylight: Observation 36. The Good Thing. 2020


Time is Honey: Observation 38. Biological work costs Energy. 2020