Project Honeylight: Observation 36. The Good Thing. 2020

When I was 15, I decided to work on a eco-project when I was in my 50s. The project was going to based on my model of energy transfer.


The most crucial observation in this story is my lifelong commitment to creating a positive impact on the environment. From a young age, I was inspired by concepts of energy balance, survival skills, and efficient resource allocation. I learned about these things from Carl Sagan, Buckminster Fuller, and a naturalist named Tom Brown, Jr. Their ideas led to the launch of "Project Honeylight," focusing on sustainable living and resource conservation, profoundly influenced by influential thinkers and personal experiences.

When I was 15, I decided to use my model of energy transfer to launch a global eco-project. This deed is proof that I planned this whole thing when I was a kid.

This picture was taken June 1, 2024 at the same real estate office I went to back in 1985. I’m building a magical universe there now at Honeylight Glamping. I bought the land to have a place to launch an eco-project that creates skills, pollinator habitat, honey, bees, and money.

The Lesson:

Commitment to environmental sustainability and learning from various disciplines can lead to impactful global eco-projects.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Inspiration: Shows the value of lifelong learning.

  2. Awareness: Encourages connection with our environment.

  3. Action: Demonstrates the possibility of individual impact.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Goals: What can I do to contribute to environmental sustainability?

  2. Influences: How have my experiences and learning shaped my views on the environment?

  3. Lifestyle: In what ways can I make my daily life more eco-friendly?

Project Honeylight combines Carl Sagan’s ideas about space and time, with Buckminster Fuller’s concepts that describe optimal resource allocation, with the Apache Wisdom I learned from Tom Brown, Jr. and his grandfather Stalking Wolf.

Buckminster Fuller explained the idea that peace is less expensive than war is his book called Critical Path.


Cloudminer: Observation 35. Optimizing Business Systems by mining money from the future. 2018


Sugar is Energy: Observation 37. Light is Honey. 2020