Bee Wisdom: Observation 39. Secrets of the Bees. 2020

I watched the bees in my backyard come and go for about ten days and compared their behaviors to business systems. We are playing the same game.


The single most important observation in the story is the intricate relationship between bees and their environment, highlighting how bees optimize energy collection, storage, and population growth. This observation parallels human economic and business practices, particularly in the franchise model. The story emphasizes the regenerative nature of bee activity in contrast to human activities, which are often dissipative.

The Lesson:

The most important lesson is the value of long-term planning and sustainability, as demonstrated by the bees' efficient and regenerative approach to life and resource management.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Long-term Planning: Understanding the importance of planning ahead for sustainable futures.

  2. Teamwork: Recognizing the value of cooperation and collaboration in achieving common goals.

  3. Regeneration: Learning from bees about the importance of regenerative practices over dissipative ones for environmental health.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Future Planning: How can I incorporate long-term planning into my daily life and decisions?

  2. Cooperation: In what ways can I improve teamwork in my community or workplace?

  3. Environmental Impact: What steps can I take to contribute to a regenerative rather than a dissipative impact on the environment?



Time is Honey: Observation 38. Biological work costs Energy. 2020


Honey is Money: Observation 40. Secrets of the Bees. mid June 2020 - 2022