Honey is Money: Observation 40. Secrets of the Bees. mid June 2020 - 2022


The single most important observation in the story "Honey is Money: Observation 40. Secrets of the Bees" is the comparison between bee behavior and human behavior, especially in terms of energy efficiency and specialization. The author notes how bees use hexagons to store honey, which is the most efficient shape for creating maximum volume with minimal effort. This is paralleled with human economic behavior, where we seek efficiency in spending money and time, similar to how bees efficiently gather and store energy.

The Lesson:

The most important lesson from this story is the significance of efficiency and specialization in both the natural world and human society.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Efficiency: It teaches the value of using resources wisely.

  2. Specialization: Highlights the importance of focusing on individual strengths.

  3. Comparison: Encourages looking to nature for lessons applicable to human life.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Efficiency: How can I apply the principle of efficiency in my daily life?

  2. Learning from Nature: What other natural behaviors can provide insights into human practices?

  3. Specialization: In what areas can I specialize to contribute most effectively to society?


Bee Wisdom: Observation 39. Secrets of the Bees. 2020


Lessons from Nature: Observation 41. Modeling Secrets of the Bees. 2023