Scaling: Observation 31. Swarming to new habitats. 2008


This story emphasizes the similarities between the natural world and the business world, particularly in terms of scaling and expansion. It draws a parallel between how bees expand their hives by cloning and storing energy (honey) and how businesses grow by replicating successful models in new markets. The storyteller, using their own experience in business expansion, underscores the importance of timing, resource management, and the synergy of team skills in successful scaling.

The Lesson

Expanding a business successfully, like a bee colony, requires strategic planning, understanding market timing, and effective replication of proven models.

How this is helpful

  1. Planning: Emphasizes the importance of preparation before expansion.

  2. Timing: Highlights the critical role of choosing the right moment for growth.

  3. Teamwork: Shows how combining different skills can strengthen a business or project.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Why now? When is the right time for you to take a big step or expand your horizons?

  2. What works? What successful strategies or models can you replicate in your own ventures?

  3. Who helps? Who are the people whose skills complement yours, and how can you work together effectively?

Related Concepts:

The video below demonstrates scaling a business system to new habitats.

I discuss this topic on the Lessons from Nature Podcast: Modeling the Secrets of the Bees. This is related to Seasonality. After all, honey comes and honey goes.


Business Visualization: Observation 30. Using business systems to explain Knowledge Visualization. 2008


Knowledge Visualization: Observation 32. A model of cognition and a way to navigate it. 2010