Knowledge Visualization: Observation 32. A model of cognition and a way to navigate it. 2010


The story highlights the evolution of raw data into increasingly complex forms: noise, data, information, knowledge, wisdom, and character. This progression shows how unstructured noise can transform into valuable wisdom and personal character through various stages of organization and understanding. The story also explores the future potential of technology, like Neuralink, to visualize and share human thoughts, enhancing empathy and reducing conflict.

The Lesson:

Understanding and organizing information can transform basic data into profound wisdom and character, potentially revolutionizing human communication and empathy through technology.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Organization: Understanding information's transformation helps organize thoughts.

  2. Communication: Visualizing knowledge can improve how we share ideas.

  3. Empathy: Advanced technologies might enhance empathy and reduce conflicts.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Noise to Wisdom: How do I transform daily noise into meaningful wisdom?

  2. Technological Impacts: How might future technologies influence the way I understand others?

  3. Character Building: In what ways does my gathered knowledge shape my character?

Special thanks to Dan Roam for helping me translate this idea from 2010 to 2020.


Scaling: Observation 31. Swarming to new habitats. 2008


Energy and Information Systems: Observation 33. A scale model of every system. 2010