Disorganizations: Observation 23. Navigating dysfunctional corporate environments. 2001


The core issue in dysfunctional corporate environments, as observed in the story, is the practice of promoting the best frontline workers to management without proper training. This often leads to ineffective management and widespread organizational dysfunction. The protagonist emphasizes the need for identifying, training, and nurturing suitable managerial skills.

The Lesson

Promoting skilled workers to management roles without training or support can lead to dysfunction and dissatisfaction.

How this is helpful

  1. Promotion Awareness: Understand the complexities behind managerial roles.

  2. Training Importance: Recognize the need for proper training and support in new roles.

  3. Personal Growth: Learn from the protagonist's experiences to navigate or avoid similar situations in our own careers.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Self-Evaluation: Am I prepared for the responsibilities and challenges of my current or desired role?

  2. Growth Path: What training or skills do I need to develop to excel in a leadership or managerial position?

  3. Organizational Dynamics: How can I contribute to creating a positive and functional workplace environment?


Work: Observation 22. Heat and energy. Microturbines. 2001


Organizations: Lesson 24. Simple, Services, Mobile, Labor, Quirky. 2003