Organizations: Lesson 24. Simple, Services, Mobile, Labor, Quirky. 2003


The story emphasizes the importance of simplicity, adaptability, and clear goals in business. The narrator prefers services over products and a mobile, quirky business model to avoid complexities and uncontrolled variables. Their aim was to create a business that allowed personal freedom and avoided common pitfalls experienced in other organizations.

The Lesson:

Focus on simplicity, adaptability, and niche targeting in business for personal satisfaction and success.

How this is helpful:

  1. Simplicity: Keeps goals clear and manageable.

  2. Adaptability: Allows for quick responses to changes and challenges.

  3. Niche Focus: Enhances marketing efficiency and specialization.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Personal Goals: What truly motivates my career choices?

  2. Simplicity: How can I simplify my aspirations or projects?

  3. Unique Path: What unique or quirky path might lead me to success?

Organizations are the opposite of disorganizations.


Disorganizations: Observation 23. Navigating dysfunctional corporate environments. 2001


Empires: Lesson 25. Architecting a civilization (Distributed, Viral, Nodal, Organic). 2007