Work: Observation 22. Heat and energy. Microturbines. 2001


The story focuses on the use of microturbines in generating electricity, heat, and cooling, highlighting their efficiency and practicality. The narrator shares experiences from a job at Capstone Turbine, emphasizing the economic and environmental benefits of these turbines, particularly in utilizing waste methane from water treatment and landfills. This job also taught the narrator about the complexities of manufacturing, quality control, and the importance of optimizing and planning in engineering projects.

The Lesson

Understanding and optimizing energy usage, especially through innovative technologies like microturbines, can lead to significant environmental and economic benefits.

How this is helpful

  1. Innovation: Encourages thinking outside the box.

  2. Conservation: Teaches the importance of not wasting resources.

  3. Problem-solving: Highlights the value of careful planning and optimization in tackling challenges.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Innovation: How can I apply innovative thinking in everyday problems?

  2. Sustainability: In what ways can I contribute to energy conservation?

  3. Learning: What can this story teach me about the complexities and rewards of learning new things?


Conversion: Observation 21. Data conversion and naming standards. 1997


Disorganizations: Observation 23. Navigating dysfunctional corporate environments. 2001