Tactic 208. Story 10. Queen Bee Moves. Sting playing an acoustic concert at Honeylight Glamping and reading Honey is Money.1.2. 2027

Ideal Sponsors

In systems that involve people and money, it’s best to find cool celebrities to endorse outcomes that are aligned with their philosophical beliefs.

Back in 2020, I learned that Sting (Gordon Matthew Thomas Sumner) is an avid beekeeper. I immediately imagined him performing an acoustic set on the stage at Honeylight Glamping around the year 2027. After that, I imagined he'd read Honey is Money to a group of kids. Thus, Tactic 208 was born.

Tactic 208 is designed to connect Project Honeylight to an existing market channel through Sting's existing connections.

Since Sting is a beekeeper, sells honey, and is involved with bee and pollinator charities, he is already philosophically aligned with the concepts related to regenerative business systems and Project Honeylight. This makes him a perfect potential Sponsor for Project Honeylight.

When my kids asked my wife and I what we wanted for our 20th wedding anniversary, I mentioned that I wanted 2 square-feet of land in Scotland (Plot J565465 near Wigtownshire, West Scotland) so my wife and I could officially receive the honorary title of Lord and Lady of the United Kingdom from a dubious company over the internet.

I learned that Queen Elizabeth II named Sting a Commander of the British Empire (CBE) in 2003. 

My two square-foot realm in Scotland near Wigtownshire in West Scotland.


In the British system of social hierarchy, both Commander of the British Empire and Lords both participate in state ceremonies and events, where they are expected to observe traditional etiquette and protocol according to their rank and status. This kind of connection slightly increases the probability that I will intersect the potential future timeline.

I told my friend Davey Harris about this tactic and he decided to create a song and video to support the outcome I planned to create. He made this video for me in the summer of 2022.


After becoming a Lord, I added the flag of my realm in Scotland and the castle that is closest to my two square-foot plot of land to my bee apiary in my backyard.


My first proclamation as a Lord was to declare a two square-foot parcel of land in my backyard as a ‘partner plot’ to my land in Scotland. As a result of the proclamation, the good people of plot J565465 are welcome to visit the two square-foot plot of land in my backyard.

I don’t know if Sting will ever come to Honeylight Glamping. I just know that this kind of thing increases the chances that I will intercept the potential future timeline.

Data Table
Key Value
Tactic Id Tactic 208
Story Id Story 10
Name Queen Bee Music. Sting playing an acoustic concert at Honeylight Glamping
Attributes Sponsorship
Date Completed Summer 2023
Pattern Shared Beliefs and Outcomes (Legacy)
Emotion Helpfulness
Timing Summer 2027

Tactic 200. Story 3. Apply for a Job at Neuralink


Tactic 225. Story 7. Cuddles and Coffee at Honeylight Glamping