Translating: Observation 29. Matching spatial patterns. 2008


The story highlights the difficulty of communicating complex ideas, particularly about energy transfer and business systems, in a way others can understand. The narrator spent many years developing a unique understanding of these concepts, facing challenges in translating these ideas for a broader audience. Hiring a copy editor, Jen, helped reshape and clarify these concepts, leading to the creation of a more accessible website.

The Lesson

Communicating complex ideas effectively often requires finding ways to connect with the perspectives and understanding of the audience.

How this is helpful

  1. Communication: Enhances the ability to share complex ideas.

  2. Perspective: Encourages considering others' viewpoints.

  3. Adaptation: Shows the importance of adapting explanations to your audience.

Questions for Reflection

  1. Understanding Others: How do others perceive my ideas?

  2. Simplification: Can I simplify complex concepts without losing their essence?

  3. Relevance: How are my ideas relevant to different audiences?

The details of business visualization can be found here:

When I was a kid, I decided to use my model of energy transfer to “do something good”. I knew I would need to translate it to explain it. This process was incredibly challenging, rewarding, and expensive. I spent $2 mill on this project so far. There is no business model or ROI. It just felt important to try.


Secrets: Observation 28. Unsharable objects are perfect secrets. 2007


Business Visualization: Observation 30. Using business systems to explain Knowledge Visualization. 2008