Rules - values, principles, and practices

The first step in creating the future is to define the rules of the world that is being created.

The rules are made up of values, principles, and practices. These things create an operating framework for making decisions, interacting with other people, and organizing teams. All of these things create a collaborative environment for people to collaborate.

Values refer to the beliefs or ideals that an individual or a society considers important and that guide their behavior and decision-making.

Principles refer to the fundamental beliefs that guide an individual's decisions and actions with other people.

Practices refers to the actions, methods, or procedures employed to achieve a particular goal or objective.

My Values:

I value safety so I surround myself with people who are Trustworthy. They tell the truth, are reliable, are strong in many ways, and have the ability to do what they say they will do.

My Principles:

Principle 1: I value time by valuing health.

Principle 2: I meet people where they want to be met.

Principle 3: I help the willing.

Principle 4: I measure the right things at the right times.

Principle 5: I verify models against experimental data.

Principle 6: I pursue new perspectives.

Principle 7: I am aware of good luck and bad luck.

Principle 8: I keep track of good and bad decisions - and why things work and don't work.

Principle 9: I learn about happiness from happy people.

Principle 10: I spend time in nature every day.

Principle 11: I create situations where everyone can win.

My Everyday Practices:

  • I walk in nature.

  • I eat healthy food.

  • I’m mindful of the things happening around me.

  • I contemplate the time and distance I have remaining.

  • I create tools to maximize my utility with the short time I have left.

  • I recognize that I’m just passing through.

Long Game Framework: Overview of a methodology for creating the future

Rules: Define the things that are important, the way decisions are made, and meeting structures for sharing information. <- You are here.

Vision: A clear understanding of the future state.

Outcomes: The outcomes that will be created in this new world.

Strategy: The cross-functional relationships between all of the components in the system and the projects that will create the outcomes.

People: Identify the roles of the people who can help create the future and their specific job functions.

Plan: Organize the strategy and people into a plan for each project.

Progress: Define how progress will be tracked to ensure the plan is on schedule and on budget.

Learning: For each phase in the plan, define what lessons will be learned and how the lessons will be used to improve future versions.

Proof: Define how proof will be delivered for each phase.


Long Game Framework - a methodology for creating the future


Vision - dreams of the future