Proof - Define where the sequence ends
The last step in the framework is called proof. Proof is the final milestone in a sequence of tactics. This milestone is the starting point of the plan. I imagine the final sequence in a series and then I imagine the event that would occur immediately before it. I continue to map the sequences in reverse order until I reach the present. After that, I create the future by building the sequences in the real world in the opposite order.
The image below is the deed of the land I bought in West Virginia when I was fifteen (in 1985) with money I made mowing lawns. I bought this land for three reasons. First, I wanted a place to hang out in the woods to launch a global eco-project when I was ready. Second, I wanted to get my name on a deed to prove to people that I planned ahead. I knew that no one would ever believe that I planned this project when I was a kid. Third, it gave me a milestone in the future to map against.
If you don’t know where you want to go, any maze will get you there. If you know where you want to go, there is only one shortest route through the maze to reach the destination. I’ve always been able to create the future I imagine because reverse engineer all of the steps through the Long Game Framework.
I’m going to turn this framework into software (spatial computing augmented by AI) before 2028.