Learning - optimize the trajectory based on what works and what doesn’t work

I plan to learn in advance. If I don’t do this, I can only learn through trial and error. It’s important to learn from success and mistakes. Planning to learn creates the opportunity to learn and optimize as I create the future.

I plan learning by thinking about three to five things I can learn if a project goes according to plan and three to five things I can learn if a project fails. In both cases, I’ll have the opportunity to notice the things that help or hurt my chances of success.

Live and Learn:

I created this framework to help me “Live and Learn”. When I make a decision that turns out to be “bad”, I imagine the story I believed when I made the decision. The story contains a predominant feeling (trust, confidence, excitement, etc) and a logical conclusion that I reached as a result of having that feeling.

When things don’t go as I plan, I think of the exact opposite feeling from the one I used to make the decision and the logical conclusion I would have reached if I used that feeling in my decision. The conclusion would create a new story and a new decision.

The difference between the feeling I used to make the “bad” decision and the feeling I imagine when I consider the opposite feeling is the lesson.

This is how I live and learn.

Long Game Framework: Overview of a methodology for creating the future

Rules: Define the things that are important, the way decisions are made, and meeting structures for sharing information.

Vision: A clear understanding of the future state.

Outcomes: The outcomes that will be created in this new world.

Strategy: The cross-functional relationships between all of the components in the system and the projects that will create the outcomes.

People: Identify the roles of the people who can help create the future and their specific job functions.

Plan: Organize the strategy and people into a plan for each project.

Progress: Define how progress will be tracked to ensure the plan is on schedule and on budget.

Learning: For each phase in the plan, define what lessons will be learned and how the lessons will be used to improve future versions. <- You are here.

Proof: Define how proof will be delivered for each phase.


Progress - position, velocity, direction, trajectory


Proof - Define where the sequence ends