People - helpers with special magic

After I define the strategy, I think about the profiles of the people who can operate the nodes in the strategy. The node operators have cross-functional skills in specific areas of the architecture. Their job is to either develop specific projects or to manage the deployment of specific projects in the system.

As of May, 2023, I am the only node operator in Project Honeylight. I do have approximately six to ten people working on various projects, but Iā€™m the only one who understands how they fit together and the sequencing of the ideas.

Dan Roam and I have been working together on this project since 2010. He taught me story telling techniques, presentation architectures, and simple drawing techniques so I could explain my ideas. He also illustrated the book Honey is Money - the Secrets of the Bees.

Long Game Framework: Overview of a methodology for creating the future

Rules: Define the things that are important, the way decisions are made, and meeting structures for sharing information.

Vision: A clear understanding of the future state.

Outcomes: The outcomes that will be created in this new world.

Strategy: The cross-functional relationships between all of the components in the system and the projects that will create the outcomes.

People: Identify the roles of the people who can help create the future and their specific job functions. <- You are here.

Plan: Organize the strategy and people into a plan for each project.

Progress: Define how progress will be tracked to ensure the plan is on schedule and on budget.

Learning: For each phase in the plan, define what lessons will be learned and how the lessons will be used to improve future versions.

Proof: Define how proof will be delivered for each phase.


Strategy - using relationships to organize projects


Plan - creating the future requires projects, people, dates, and money